When you could only buy two litres of Milk!: M R Madhavan

M R Madhavan | Experience Under the License Raj | India Before 1991

M.R.Madhavan, President and Co-Founder of PRS Legislative research, narrates his experiences of life in the IIM's at that time, shares his travel experience that even though he belonged to a middle class family, he boarded an plane only during the late 1990s.

He says that "I remember my brother got married in '88 which was three years before the reforms. So we had a lot of guests at home, before the wedding.  Obviously [for] lots of people at home you need milk for just coffee and stuff like that. Mother Dairy used to ration four tokens that is two litres per head  in the queue. So we used to all go, some six of us used to go, stand in the queue."

Watch this interesting video to know more about his experiences about how life was under License Raj.

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