The broad policies of the Five Year Plans are laid down by the Planning Commission,but their ultimate success depends upon the people of the country.And,in order to achieve the success of these Plans,our people must be educated...they must have their interest aroused,and be kept informed of what is happening in the country and in the world beyond.
The Ministry of Information and Broadcast has,therefore,a vital task to perform,that of providing information and entertainment,and of helping to raise the general awareness of more than 438 million people.To help fulfill this task successfully,the ministry has the journal,the radio and the cinema at its disposal.
Each medium of communication is important,and each demands an unceasing flow of material from the Ministry.The Press Information Bureau,for example,supplies about 3700 newspapers and periodicals with the latest information on Government's plans,policies and achievements-sending out this material in 11 languages including English and Hindi.In addition,726 papers receive photographic blocks.
The Publications Division is responsible for the production of pamphlets,books,journals and albums dealing with the Government's development programmes and other general and cultural subjects.It released 251 books and pamphlets in 1960.It also publishes 18 magazines and 11 AIR programme journals.
ALL INDIA RADIO Programmes ,concerts,features,talks,plays,discussions..reach the city dweller in his home,the villager at the community centre-providing entertainment,information and education by cart.In 1947,there were only 6 radio stations in the country,today there are 28.During the Third Plan, broadcasting services are being further extended.The number of community sets,which was about 72000 at the end of the Second Plan,will also be increased.According to the Minister for Information and Broadcast,All India Radio has become the most powerful means of developing cultural activities and spreading the rich heritage of the Indian languages.